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Nearly 1 in 3 families struggle to afford clean diapers. Diapers are one of the most requested items for families in need. Parents are forced to stretch the time between diaper changes, resulting in children suffering from urinary tract and staph infections. Programs such as WIC, SNAP and Medicaid do not assist with diapers, nor can diapers be purchased using food stamps. Currently, there are no federally funded programs that assist with the diaper needs of financially challenged families.  

At BITTY BRAH™, we want every child to grow, thrive and reach his or her full potential. Imagine the stress of not being able to afford the basics that your baby needs. No family should have to choose between keeping their babies healthy, keeping the heat on or feeding their family. Together, we can help bridge this diaper gap. 


Our hearts are still devastated by families in need of basic essentials. We want to support them in the best way possible. Because diapers have been one of the most requested items, we have decided to send diapers to the Helping Mamas Organization. Helping Mamas connects helping mamas to mamas needing help so that babies can thrive in a safe and healthy environment.